Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Before Picture

Ok, here it goes. Today is the first of the rest of my life and I want to make the best of it NOW!
I am putting it in writing, and in doing that it is like I am making myself accountable for my actions. Come along for the ride.

I want to loose weight ( I know so does everyone else) and I believe I had to get to the point where I say "thats it--- I am not going to be this heavy anymore" My night started out by going through my closet and sorting though clothes that either don't fit or I don't feel good in. I now have 2 bags of clothes ready to be sent of to some organization that calls me weakly for donations.

And then my hubby and I made our first trip to check out Lifetime Fitness. With the help from my daughter we were off. We tried out all sorts of machines and we were there for 1 1/2 hours. ( a bit sore today---but a good sore--right?)

I know me- and as soon as I looked in the mirror I immediately was depressed-- ( knowing a lot about Law of attraction) I changed the way I was seeing myself; going from "ICK-to- this is the last time I am this heavy." A sort of Before picture was in my head. I have to tell you what a motivating feeling it was just by changing the way I was thinking. Going from a negative feeling to a positive one. I walked a bit faster, did extra reps, peddled longer and smiled at my husband who (silly man) thinks I look great. I loved that we were doing this together.

I always thought that I would feel out of place at "the club" but when walking through there no one really notices that you are there, they are so into their work out. You can tell that they too wanted to get a good work out done and then off to their next destination.

My time frame is like everyones , SHORT, but I am truly going to do my very best to reach my goal. I want to go shopping for clothes with my daughter and not be all bummed out because nothing fits right. I want to take the boys to the pool and feelgood in a swim suit (OK sort of feel good in a suit- seriously does anyone REALLY feel good in a suit???) And most of all I want to feel good for me. If I take care of me then I can take care of the people that I love the most--my family. Wish me luck.


shannonjason on December 31, 2008 at 5:14 PM said...

Patti -
I am VERY proud of you and your dedication to making yourself a healthier you. Try not to think of it too much as having to loose the weight, but making yourself a healthier person. The weight lose will be the added bonus =)

I am right there with you on the weight thing. I'd actually like to be your "buddy" for this if you wouldn't mind. We wouldn't have to do much, but just have someone to check in with on a daily/weekly basis for accountability and support. It'd be nice to exchange meal plan ideas and work out progress if you're up for it.
Again, I applaud you for taking that step. I've been putting it off "until the baby comes", well - he's here so I have no other excuses (not that it was a good one to begin with)
Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way my sis!!

Just Kids on January 1, 2009 at 4:34 PM said...

Thanks Shannie, Tera got us a good deal at Lifetime so we will be starting tomorrow night after work. With this website I am going to decrease my weight and debt and increase our income. YEAH!!!!

carla on January 2, 2009 at 10:51 AM said...

clicked through from DOES THIS BLOG MAKE US LOOK FAT---you are getting a big ole support team today from them I think :)

Im in!



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